This girl had the best dad ever. NOW YOU KNOW I'M THINKING ABOUT HIM RIGHT NOW. Missing those white trees with royal blue balls. In addition to concentrating on our academics. He taught us to ride a bike by first peddling with him on the seat. hahahah He taught how to play baseball AND softball. Yall should have seen him and my Aunt Sadie running those bases (right Frances Alfred?) He taught us to bowl (usually bowled Saturday nights til 6 a.m. Sunday morning) (right Julius J. Mitchell Jr. Jeanette Mitchell Lamb Julie Mitchell Jackson Hursey ???). I actually won IM bowling at WASHU! Yes WASHU had a bowling IM! ahahahahahaha He was the first person to teach me how to drive! Lord I learned a lot was scared to death initially to drive. But oh girl would hit the road for any reason. (right??? Carol Howard Sharron Schuff). My daddy would Sunday meetings with us for what we did during the week. We were like daddy whip up, WE CAN'T TAKE ONE MORE OF YOUR LECTURES. But my dad was a man of wisdom. Those lectures molded us! Right Speedy, Pie & Nette!!!! Daddy was so funny when he was going to night school to finish his GED (was at the 8th grade level then). He would CALL HIS SELF correcting our English! Lord have mercy on his soul. But his Louisiana background was hard on the English language! But he was a man who knew the King's English after graduating. You best believe we were REQUIRED to speak the KING'S ENGLISH! But of course with Louisiana influence on his and my mom's side, we could speak some BROKEN ENGLISH. My teachers would ask why didn't I speak like I wrote. Well, you spoke what you heard! We spent a lot of town with our grand parents as our parents worked. YOU DID NOT DATE CORRECT THEM! You joined in. Also, in the summer, my daddy believe all God's families should live the weekends on the beach. AND WE DID! My mom would be so mad at his when he brought us back - OUR HAIR WAS JACKED UP AND FULL OF SAND!! hahahaha Lord those were the days. That's when started to braid our hairs so we could just wash it and return to school the next day looking DECENT. My my my my I miss Mitch! ROTFL LOL RIP DADDY!
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