Saturday, May 7, 2011


There is a negative economic impact for every student who drops out of high school. The following report drives us to do something.

The Economic Benefits from Halving the Dropout Rate: A Boom to Businesses in the Nation’s Largest Metropolitan Areas, January 2010

The report "present the findings for each of the forty-five metropolitan areas that together encompass the nation’s fifty largest cities, as well as aggregated findings across these areas. These findings are powerful reminders that entire communities are impacted by the educational outcomes of their youth, and they underscore the notion that the best economic stimulus package is a high school diploma."

Also review “Diplomas Count 2009: Broader Horizons:
The Challenge of College Readiness for All Students,” special issue, Education Week 28, no. 34 (2009).

jmitutor, Sat., May 7, 2011.