Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

My thoughts for today!

Hello my Lupus Warriors. have read posts of some of you in Lupus Flares. I assure you THINGS DO GET BETTER. I was diagnosed in 1975. I experienced the weight gain, falls, rash, everything possible that Lupus can do and more. BUT THINGS DID GET BETTER. My Lupus went into inactive in July 2003. I was on prednisone 28+ years. There were many good days that outweighed my bad days - getting married in 1981, having my son in 1984, attending his sports events, etc. Although I hurt, I hurt doing the things I love. I recommend you do what you can and that's it. Of course I pushed myself on many occasions and yes I paid for it. BUT I ENJOYED MYSELF. At one point in my life I would go to 8 a.m. mass and THEN sleep all day to recouperate so I could go to work the following week. I can truly say that through it all I was a SURVIVOR. Of course there were things I could have down without, as a result of Lupus: lupus kidney disease, hysterectomy, bunionectomy, knee repair of cartilege, colon cancer, open heart surgery (aorta valve replacement), dialysis, etc. But I do keep my focus on the good things around me: my husband, son, daughter in love, 6 grand-children, my job, groups I belong to, church, family and friends, THIS IS WHAT KEEPS ME GOING. I retired from my job after 28 years because the start of dialysis took a toll on me. But now that I am doing home hemo (mon-fri @ night), I am working part time at the local community college as a math tutor, and I tutor on the weekends. I LOVE TUTORING. Find something you love and do it as your body lets you. Sometimes I do cancel sessions, because my body says NO. I am in tune with my body and know when to stop, know when to argue with docs about my health, know when to just sleep and not feel guilty. ahahahahahahha Yes you have to deal with ignorant (only because they do not understand) people, but do not let them pull you into guilt and depression. Do what you have to doin spite of them. KEEP MAY COPIES OF LUPUS LITERATURE. PASS IT OUT TO EVERYONE YOU MEET, ESPECIALLY TO YOIUR FAMILY WHEN THEY SAY STUPID STUFF. AHAHAHAHAHA Gotta laugh at them and keep going. Well I'm off my high horse. HAVEA LOVELY DAY LUPUS WARRIORS.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


ATTENTION TEACHERS - You make a difference in the lives of your students!  Whether you intend to or not, you make a difference.  It can be positive or negative!
I grew up in a lower class family.  That lower class family was two single-parent homes.  I being an African-American girl had all the statistics against me when trying to become a success.  But because of caring, intuitive, and compassionate teachers I was pushed beyond my capabilities (intellectually, academically, spiritually, etc.).  My love of Math almost died during my 5th grade year - Texas' (South Park School District) first step of integrating schools.  My elementary was closed and I was bused across town to another school - my one year of integrated education.  But my 6th grade Math teacher, Mr. James, saw my potential and encouraged me.  I was in the 6D track.  He moved me to the 6B classes for Math.  They were the best Math students at Booker T. Washington Elementary.  My junior high and high school Math teachers (Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Simmons) got me involved in the interscholastic math competitions.  I love Math.  These competitions enhanced my love for Math.  While in high school we had to write a paper on what we wanted to be when we grew up, i.e. graduate and on our own.  I had my topic.  I wanted to be a Math teach all my life.  My dad use to introduce us by what we wanted to be.  I was Janice the future Math teacher.  Well my eyes were opened by a teacher, Mrs. Davenport.  She asked me to research being an engineer.  I had no idea what an engineer was or what they did.  The only engineers I was aware of were those that operated a train. ahahahahah  But being obedient I researched being an engineer.  During those days you respected your teachers, or else your mom would come to the school and embarrass you.  I was shocked to find out about engineers and that there were so many different kinds of engineers.  My research lead me to want to be a chemical engineer.  In comes another teacher, Mrs. Adair - Texas' (Beaumont Independent School District) second attempt at integration - integrate the teachers instead of the children.  She helped me fill out my application to college.  My counselor, Ms. Joseph help me fill out the PSAT (11th grade) and SAT I (12th grade) applications.  I was set to attempt a run at college.  The I found some information, through my counselors, about Washington University.  I am so thankful for my teachers.  I am so happy that I had a chance to experience the Washington University-St. Louis (WASHU) life.  I met so many people from so many countries.  I still have 6 friends that are deeply close to my heart in my life.  They really help me through college socially and spiritually.  I was diagnosed with Lupus my freshman year, and they really supported me, until this day.  I met my husband at WASHU.  He has been a rock and a blessing to me THROUGH IT ALL.
Where would I have been if those teachers had not taken the time to help out a latch-key kid.  Did not know I was a latch key kid until I attended college.  WOW HUH?  
ATTENTION TEACHERS - You make a difference in the lives of young people!  Whether you intend to or not, you make a difference.  It can be positive or negative.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


I am so thankful for all the THANKSGIVING DAYS I have had in my life.  I love eating sweet potato pies @ Big Momma's house.  I love eating Turkey @ Grandma & Grandma's house.  My Grandpa actually grew his on potatoes, onion, etc.  I missed the desserts made by my Aunt Thelma (my rock)!  My Thanksgivings in Beaumont TX were great:  food, football games on TV, the women arguing with the men about the game.  Yes the ladies in my family know a lot about sports.  Irv was shocked to hear my mom and aunt school my uncles about football. ahhahahaha  HAHAHAHAHA  ROTFL  LOL  

I truly miss my friends from WashU who had a Thanksgiving Day with my in the dorm.  We all (19) did not have the money to go home for Thanksgiving, so we cooked the food in the dorm and celebrated together!  Actually had a full kitchen downstairs!  

I remember eating Thanksgiving dinner with my sisters in St. Louis & University City.  Our three families ate together for years.  Irv cooked the meats.  Julie always made her Broccoli and Rice casserole.  Jeanette always made the mac and cheese and all the desserts.  I was the corn bread dressing queen!  
I have truly enjoyed Thanksgiving in Huntsville & now in West Limestone County (Athens).   But the best Thanksgiving dinners ever have been at my son and daughter-in-law's house.  All we had to do was cook the Turkey since that don't eat meat. HAHAHAHHAHAHA  It was great!  Loved it!  

I have so much for which to be Thankful!
In February 1975 I thought I would be dead by 1985.  All the literature said I would not have lived past 10 years.  So I thought I would not get married.  The literature also said I would not have a child.  Gruesome things to know at 18 years old.  BUT GOD, sent a wonderful man, gave me a healthy baby, let me see 59 years old, and gave me a beautiful daughter-in-law and 6 wonderful Boobies.

THANK YOU JESUS!  I AM SO THANKFUL!  (me singing and all saying shut up!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I feel like going on. Energized, reinvigorate, refreshed, renewed, empowered, electrified, motivated, strengthened, enable and I'm running!

Monday, November 23, 2015


I am thankful for every second, minute, hour, day, week, year I am able to live and do the Lord's will for my life!  Can't take for granite since I may have not made it this far!  I am thankful for the people God placed in my life.  Sometimes later than sooner I realize why they are/were placed in my life.  Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I am so thankful that I have a husband who is truly concerned about me.  To most, when your husband ask about how was your day, you respond about the job or the errands you ran.  For me he is truly trying to gather how was my health for that day.  He knows I don't complain when I don't feel well.  It is a blessing to have a husband who is a R.N. and can help with communication with my doctors.  He helps me with dialysis, etc.  I can be truly exhausted with the biggest smile on my face, but he'd see right through.  I have found it is easier to say "LOVELY, LOVELY" instead of how I REALLY feel.  But thank God for imparting wisdom into my husband to ensure I do approach my limits.  I am passionate about education.  I feel the future of our children is bleak without more than adequate education.  It is not good to be good enough.  They must soar and not give up.  Each success must spiral them into a higher destiny over and over and over again.  So I am so thankful of the successes I read about involving our future generations.  I believe they will be no nonsense people and will serve in our government to restore pride for America.  I am so thankful for friends and family who give back to the community as instilled by our ancestors.  I am thankful America has come to realize the destruction instilled on generations by private prisons.  I am so thankful that common core was adopted to teach our children analytical skills beyond rote memory.  So I guess my thankfulness gift basket is over flowing.  IJS  :-) 

Friday, October 23, 2015


You go through life with angst and fears.  But your faith is always refueled by the people God has placed in your life for a reason or a season.  I am so thankful to have the experiences I have had in my life.  My life has been rich.  Meeting knew people is a pastime of mine.  I love learning about people and their lives.  I love particularly meeting people from other cultures.  I am truly rich by knowing them.  They add a zest to my life.  Not sure why, but I love it!  I enter each phase of my life expecting great things to happen.  I anticipate GREATNESS each day.  What does it hold?  I am never disappointed.  Intrigue is a daily thing in my life.  I am able to get a huge and much needed laugh each and everyday.  Really keeps me going!  I am loving the plans God has for me.  Keeps me going and looking forward to the next thing.  When you know their are great things to come, you do not worry.  You know they are on the way and will be right on time.  THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE!

Sunday, September 27, 2015


 Thank you Lord for itty bitty things:  good tires on my truck, electricity in my home, ability to walk, ability to tutor, the strength to mow the lawn, strength to comb my hair, fresh air to breath, in my right mind, answers to my prayers, encouragement by the Holy Spirit, healing of my body, rest, peace, love, calming spirit, ability to bathe myself, food to eat, socks for my feet!  THANK U JESUS!

Monday, September 7, 2015


FEARS:  Have you ever let your fears overtake you?  I have, but prayed for the strength.  The Lord has come to my aid EVERY TIME!  I am still afraid of heights.  But I manage it every time with the comfort of the Holy Spirit.  I THANK THE LORD FOR HELPING ME OVERCOME MY FEARS!
I purposely took a job in 1980 that was 100% travel.  The job required me to purposely go to heights beyond my imagination.  I was about 600 feet above the ground performing environmental tests.  I learned to control me fears and enjoy the beautiful views.  Most of my assignments were in the Midwest and on the East coast at utility companies, paper & pulp mills, and coal mines.  I saw some amazing views.  
When I had my son I took him to the fair.  He was afraid to ride the ferris wheel.  Deep down inside, so was I.  But I prayed silently and took him on the ferris wheel so he would not be afraid of heights.  Every time we were at the top of the run I would tell him "Isn't this view great?"   Lord knows I was scared, but I overcame my fears to ensure a successful ride for my son.  THANK U JESUS!
As crazy as it seems I love mowing the lawn on the riding mower.  Once I was on the mower and saw a large animal run out of the tall grass.  I just knew it was a gigantic rat.  But my son said it was most likely a gopher.  Yeah right!!!!  I would not get make on that mower for months.  But I had open heart surgery and had time on my hand to think.  I said I have to get back on that mower.  I must conquer my fear.  So I asked my husband to help me on and off the mower.  Everyone thought I was crazy!  But, it was something I had to do for myself.  Guess what?  I overcame my fear and am meeting Jesus weekly on that mover!  
What fears do you have in your innermost being?  You must overcome that fear.  You cannot let your fears conquer you.  Pray to the Lord for strength and execute with determination.  

PS 23:4  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

PS 27:1  The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 118:6
The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

2 TIM 1:7  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

GLORY!  Let the Lord use you in the midst of fear!

Friday, August 14, 2015


Biographies and autobiographies are the books I like to read.  Have a ton of them.  I read about the struggles that the person has gone through to reach their destinations.  Each time its perseverance and going beyond.  I am encouraged by each.  Each person has a different road assignment to them and they walked it out.  They felt discouraged on numerous occasions.  But picked themselves up, dusted off, and walked it out.  I am thankful that through everything I have gone through, the Lord has directed me to a book to see how someone else survived under insurmountable conditions but made it through.  I was super encouraged each time.  I thought if/she can do it, so can I.  When life get so hard and we feel we can't go, that's the time to ramp things up.  My praise gets real radical.  SELAH! The Holy Spirit directs me to the appropriate songs, scriptures, etc.  Then my resolves grows, exponentially.  I AM SO THANKFUL FOR A RIGHT ON TIME GOD!  Just when I need him the most, he sends the Holy Spirit to comfort me!  GLORY!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Some people are busting their humps to improve our community.  Some just complain.  Others don't care.  We MUST get involved for "OUR" future.
Whether you have kids or not, you should help.
1.  Volunteer to welcome our students into the schools and encourage them to their best.
2.  Volunteer to tutor in the schools.
3.  Develop tutoring programs in our churches or provide snacks for those who do attend.
4.  Present career workshops (interviewing skills, filling out a job applications, appropriate dress, etc.)
5.  Provide after school activities for kids who cannot afford daycare.
6.  Develop community activities to engage out children.
7.  Buy books, needed supplies, etc. for a local school.
8.  Present career fairs at your local church, schools etc.  Give the students something to shoot for as a career.
9.  Introduce the students to the arts (music lessons, theatre visits, etc...)

I implore each person reading this to get INVOLVED & ENGAGED.

(C) 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I am so thankful!  Turned 59 on this past Thursday.  This is a big deal for me!  I have been cutting the yard.  Lord have mercy.  As soon as I get it all cut, its time to start over.  But, I am so thankful.  That's my time to talk to the Lord for strength.  I have conquered 3 hills on the property.  I conquered the steep ditches.  I learned how to go down the ditch slowly and then go up.  It was so great!  I was so proud of myself.  I was so thankful to the Lord for showing me how to do it.  I have accomplished another Summer Enrichment Program.  It was great seeing the light come on for the kids.  I am so thankful for the parents and friends who volunteered to work with the kids.  It was awesome to see them in action.  Totally in charge and getting it done!  I am thankful because my friend has allowed me to use her building for an adult literacy program.  My goal is to get it going the first weekend of September. 

Friday, July 10, 2015


I am so thankful for being able to worship the Lord!  I feel his presence all the time.  I can see him in everything.  I know he is with me at all times.  In times when I need comforting the Holy Spirit always steps in on time.  I can't began to thank him enough for all he has done for me, gotten me through, and held me together in times of storms, literally.  I am so thankful for him imparting knowledge and wisdom in doctors who has assisted me in my physical healing process.  I am so thankful for him imparting the word of God in his ministers who has assisted me in my spiritual healing process.  He has always been an on-time God.  Just when I could not see the end results be has help me walk the journey with confidence of victory.  Yes I am a thankful person today.  So thankful for life and to used by my Lord an savior Jesus Christ.  Amen!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Have you ever been angry inside. I mean so angry that your entire being is turned upside down.  I have been there.  Only one thing draws me out.  I have to go deep in prayer, praise and worship! I mean forsake all unnecessary activities and focus on the Lord.  I thank him for being/existing. I thank him for bringing me out.  I thank him for holding my hand through the tough and rough journeys.  I thank him from removing all the stinking thinking from my thoughts.  I thank for easing my heart. I thank the Lord for taking control of my body and leading me in the direction he has ordained for me to travel.  But most of all I thank him for removing anger that can literally kill me!  THANK YOU LORD, JESUS AND HOLY GHOST FOR THE ROLES YOU PLAY IN MY LIFE!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I am so thankful for peace of mind!  I was somewhat of a worrier.  I fought daily to turn all problems over to the Lord. I am now at peace and things are looking great!  God is still in the blessing business and I am truly blessed.  Thinking about how I worried about "everything".  I now wait for the Lord to tell me what to do so I won't act wrongly.  This has taken a conscious effort on my part to turn things over to God.  The hardest part was waiting.  OOOOOOOOOO did I agonize while I wait.  But God began giving me victory in small things and it was up from there.  Glory!  How I love him.  I thank him daily for the strength to persevere.  But I feel so relieved to know I do not have make things happen.  I only move when directed by the Lord.  The Holy Spirit has gone before me on numerous occasions. FAVOR!  It is a good feeling to know it will be alright.  My history has shown me that he can pick me up time and time again.  But I truly thank him for FORGIVENESS.  Time after time after.  I have had to suffer the consequences of my actions.  I came out of each storm stronger and trusting of the Lord even more.  THANK YOU JESUS FOR PEACE OF MIND!  A set of tapes by Joyce Meyers, THINK ON THESE THINGS, got me started in the right direction.  My son was 4 years old and I really needed to hear this message.  My illnesses were consuming my life, even though I kept the face with a smile.  I truly knew 
God would make things work out.  But DOUBT would set in and cripple my thoughts.  But I listened to those tapes over and over again (at home, in the car, etc.).  THANK YOU JESUS FOR PEACE OF MIND! 

Friday, June 5, 2015


The Lord is drawing his people to himself.  You are his people.  When Jesus left he assured us that we would not be alone.  He left the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us. But we are subconsciously probably stuck in the mode that Jesus returned to his father.  We really have not grasped that the comforter is here with us everyday:  whispering in our ears, drying our eyes, healing our sores, mentally restoring us minute by minute, day by day, month by month, year by year, decade by decade, etc., trying to guide us if we would only listen.  Sometimes its a whisper and sometimes its banging symbols.  We must get into our quiet places and listen.  Sometimes to get our minds on the Lord we must use Praise and Worship to redirect us back to him with open heart and listening ears (Phase one of Prayer).  Now phase two of our prayer begins.  We lament (a passionate expression of grief or sorrow) over our sins and repent.  Phase 3 is the sending up our petitions to the Lord.  Tell the Lord how much you love him.  Thank him!  Walk through how you feel.  Ask him for want you want, and anointed plans to accomplished what your want.
Through prayer we have that one-on-one relationship with the Lord.  Your true friends love you no matter what and are forgiving.  That is how our Lord is with us.  His Love has NO conditions.  Let him love on you!  You are worthy to be loes.  You are forgiven.  
Once we are comforted by the Holy Spirit we can boldly face our fears and reach out through prayer to the Lord with humble and contrite (feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.) hearts.   
After you have prayed truly walk it out.  You are confident.  You are royalty so walk, talk, and act like a Prince/Princes.  

Saturday, May 30, 2015


I am so thankful for FAVOR.  God comes in and works things out in a way that you KNOW that it was God's Favor.  I remember times of Hopelessness when the Holy Spirit went ahead on my behalf and pleaded my case - FAVOR!  I remember reaching for the highest heights and at the last step felt my strength had waned.  BUT the Holy Spirit came in and strengthen my resolve.  I am so thankful for his comfort in quiet times and raging times.  I am so thankful for FAVOR that comes out of NO WHERE!  Thank you Lord for Favor in spite of me!!!
GLORY!   ALLELUIA!   JESUS! HOLD MY MULE WHILE I PRAISE HIM!  In Starbucks tutoring, but I love my QUIET PRAISE FESTS!  Enjoying me some time with him!

Monday, May 25, 2015


Was sitting here thinking.  Have a lot of time to do that now that I'm retired.  Candy and Tre had recitals last week.  ALL of the Boobies, when they first saw me at the recital in the parking lot, told me TRE TIED HIS OWN TIE IN A WINDSOR KNOT!  This is a BIG deal.  Tre is Autistic.  To meet him you will NEVER know.  The use of his hands is a big deal.  The BIGGER deal, his recital was in piano!  This boy use to wash his hands and never bend the fingers.  Through therapy and havign LOVING PARENTS who really work with him, Tre has advanced so much.  His schools had a hard time accepting his autism, because he is an A/B honor roll student.  LOOK WHAT GOD HAS DONE THROUGH HIS SERVANTS Breana Elise Isbell​   &   Irvin Lee Isbell Jr​!  God shows me everyday that he is ever present.  THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!

Friday, May 15, 2015


I remember and am so thankful for INFLUENCES from my childhood.  I remember and am thankful for the teachers who encouraged me to be the best that I can.  I can remember and am thankful for the Sunday school/BTU teachers who imparted the word of God into my life.  I can remember and am thankful for the coaches who pushed me beyond a self-imposed limit to higher heights.  I can remember and am thankful for the friends who held me accountable for both my actions and academic endeavors.  I can remember and am thankful for my teachers who set the bar high in the classroom with a NO EXCUSES ATTITUDE.  I can remember and am thankful for my brothers and sisters who went through everything with me.  I can remember and am thankful for my parents and their I AM YOUR PARENT, NOT YOUR FRIEND, NO NON-SENSE ATTITUDE in regard to discipline.  You either did what you were told or you didn't.  I was taught RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY.  I can remember and am thankful for my mom going to the school and telling my teachers to take of business if I get out of line.  I can remember and am thankful for my husband being my best friend in college.  I can remember and am thankful for my son, daughter-in-law and Boobies for their support and unconditional love.  I can remember and am thankful for God keeping my body and healing me time after time after time - ever present in my life.  I have so much to be thankful for that I can't tell it all!  GLORY!  THANK U JESUS! ALLELULIA!  HE'S BEEN GOOD TO ME!  I SHALL NEVER FORGET!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Since my diagnosis of SLE in February 1975,  I wake up expecting a miracle every day.  I am looking for miracle.  I love that song by the Clark Sisters.  I truly look everyday for a miracle.  God has not failed.  I think we sometimes get hyped in expecting only BIG AND MIRACULOUS things from God on a rare basis.  But there are SMALL MIRACULOUS things going on around us everyday, every hour, and every minute.  We just have to open up our eyes, ears and hearts to recognize and appreciate the miracles in our lives.  Receiving favor against all odds is a MIRACLE!  Call it what it is!  I tell you I am so THANKFUL for God for all the MIRACULOUS things he has done in my life, my family members' lives, my friends' lives, and in the lives of total strangers.  If we pay attending, there are people thanking God everyday for MIRACULOUS things in their lives.  This is how we are encourage to not just go on, but the THRIVE, RUN, APPRECIATE, & CELEBRATE THE MIRACLES OF GOD!  Saints I tell you, I have to calm myself down as to not look crazy everyday.  I have so many things to thank God for that I am in an eternal JOYOUS CELEBRATION IN MY MIND!  But to everything there is order.  I am thankful to Lord for wisdom to see his MIRACLES everyday, whether in my life or in the lives of others.  I thank you Jesus for the comfort of the HOLY SPIRIT!

Pastor Jan

Friday, March 27, 2015


Two days ago a contractor came to remove a tree stump from my yard.  It was suppose to be a hook it up to the chair and truck along with bucket and swoop pull the stump out.  DID NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY!  The tree roots were so large and deep.  They had to cut for hours on the roots for hours to get that stomp out of the ground.  Finally after many roots was removed from the tree trunk by my neighbor and contractor, the stump was gone.  I have pics of this escapade!
This reminds me of my spiritual roots.  No matter what direction I wasn't to go, if wrong I am convicted to repent and turn around.  I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THE MOTHERS, SISTERS, BROTHERS, NUNS, MINISTERS, PASTORS, APOSTLES, EVANGELISTS, PRIESTS, MY PARENTS, FRIENDS, FAMILY, ETC for pouring the word of God in me so I may know that I know the Lord and his word.  
Just think of the people who have not heard.  I feel sorry for them.  But I am encouraged that they may know from the lives and actions of the Saints following the word of God.  I thought to myself, look how deep those roots are.  That's why that tree withstood strong winds, raging rains, frost, heat, etc.  It was deeply, deeply, deeply grounded by the those very long roots.  
The more we hear the word of God or read the word of God our roots grow in diameter and depth.  Thank God for the people he has placed in our lives to grow our spiritual resolve.

Your Servant,
Pastor Jan

Friday, March 20, 2015

Those who have Lupus know about the Lupus Fog.  Those on dialysis know about the Dialysis Fog.  Both have a hard time remembering things!  Well I have both fogs!   I try to write everything down to assist me in remembering things.  TODAY I THANK JESUS FOR BRINGING EVERYTHING BACK TO MY MEMORY FOR MY CALC II TEST!  I did really well!  I have a hard time remembering things.  I pray before each test that the Lord bring it back to my memory!   I really struggle to remember things.  But I am so THANKFUL that the Lord assists me in my time of need!   If you are a Lupus patient or on dialysis you fully understand my dilemma.  I am so thankful for the ability to just think!  My Lord we can't take anything for granite.   My God is an AWESOME GOD!  He will come in right on time!  You just ask and BAMM, he's right there!

Sunday, March 8, 2015


You know we often say Lord thank you for waking me up today?  Well, in May 2013 I went in for open heart surgery:  replace aorta valve.  I prayed the "Our Father" as I usually do in surgery.  That prayer has gotten through a lot of things.  I was so calm when they told me I needed open heart surgery.  I knew God has taken me through so many things.  He has sent the comforter, THE HOLY SPIRIT, to assure me on each occasion that all was well.  I was told by the surgeon that the surgery must happen within 2 days.  I say okay.  My response when I am so sure that God will carry me through.  Said the same thing in December 2009 when I was told I was going to have a colon resection to remove cancer from my body.  THANK YOU JESUS FOR KEEPING ME!  Lord it's been 5+ years since that surgery.  Isn't God good.  I can't stop thanking him for WAKING ME UP!  There are times when I could see a way, then God steps in, in such a way that I know:  Yes Lord that was you helping me, showing me favor, keeping me on the straight and narrow, healing my body, putting my mind at peace, etc.  JUST CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HE WOULD HELP A GIRL LIKE ME!  I am from a divorced parents family.  I traveled from Beaumont, TX to St. Louis, MO (800 miles) with the assurance that my God is real and would keep me.  AND HE DID!  I am no bragging, but on testifying.  God has always ensured I was making a lot of money in order for me to not only help family thrive, but also help others!!!  NOW THAT IS A GOOOOOD GOD!  About to start tutoring.  That is my passion and mission in life.  This is a plan of God!  I am still praying for my building.  ALL IN HIS TIME! AMEN!  THANK U JESUS! THANK YOU FATHER, SON, & HOLY GHOST!  If God has been good to you, please share I would love to hear it!  If you have a prayer request, please share, I would love to pray for you!  @PastorJan2014

Saturday, March 7, 2015


 I am so thankful for peace of mind.  Over the past few weeks the weather has shut down the Tennessee Valley.  I have been cooped up in the house.  I have had a lot of time to think.  Lord look out when Janice begins to think.  But, I realized how blessed I am.  I wondered where are the homeless.  Are they still alive.  What can I do?  How are the people whose electricity is turned off?  Were they able to keep warm during the drastically low temperatures.  I wondered about those who could not work and lost money.  I know they will carry on but thought so much about how tough it would be.  I thought about never being homeless.  I thought complaining how cold it was, but we had heat.  I complained about my heating system because the house was 68 degrees.  But, I had a heater in my room.  My - my!  I thought about having to keep a faucet running because the pump would freeze.  But, I had water when the homeless did not.  They would take my well water anytime for nourishment, bathes, play....  I thought about the icy roads.  I think about the people who still have to work and clear those icy roads, patrol them and make deliveries.  Yes, I am so thankful for the little things.  I often, daily, reflect on the JANICE MITCHELL ISBELL ACADEMY that has not reopened since moving to Limestone County.  But I know God will make a way.  I still worry about those children who need out services.  I think about them being lost in the cracks.  I think about them being shipped to detention centers and subsequently transferred to prisons.   These thoughts tend to consume me.  But I am thankful for those thoughts because that keeps me focused on getting a building for JMIA.  I know God will provide because the thoughts won't leave indicating he wants that mission exercised.  I thank God for my passion for education.  I have tried other business but my heart was not there.  Only tutoring and education.  THANK YOU JESUS FOR KEEPING ME!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


GLORY!  WHERE DO I START?  God has been present in my life since I was a kid.  He has instilled comfort in me during very trying times, given me strength when I felt I could not go on, given me wisdom when decisions seem impossible, and answers when I had questions.  I'm a member of two groups I follow closely:  Dialysis Discussions Uncensored and Lupus You Are Not Alone Honey I'm Right Here With You.  I read some of the newly diagnosed members and have flashbacks.  I thank God I am able to share my experiences that things can and do get better, maybe not in our time frame, but it does get better. We must believe no matter what we feel or what it looks like THINGS WILL GET BETTER.  The one complaint of the Lupus patients is people not believing they are sick BECAUSE YOU DON'T LOOK SICK.  You must filter out the negative people at all cost.  I purposely never fell into the complain always or fall into the woozy woozy me syndrome.  That is why when I hear people complain too much I find it hard to empathize.  After experiencing a lot of hurt and pain you just don't have time for people who just look for excuses.  I THANK GOD FOR SMILES in spite of how I felt.  I do empathize with their pain, not their excuses of why they cannot go on.  In the snow, I never missed my son and nephew games.  In the heat and rain, I never missed my son and nephew games.  I may have fallen apart when I got home, BUT GOD GAVE ME SUPER STRENGTH TO ENDURE!  I am so thankful for my RIGHT ON TIME GOD!  When I started dialysis I was like my Lord I need you now!  I could barely walk.  Just put one foot in front of the other.  BUT THAT STRENGTH I KNOW CAME FROM GOD AND FOR THAT I AM THANKFUL.  I retired and now work part-time.  I thank the Lord he did not let me stay home and feel sorry for myself and getting me up everyday to WALK THIS WALK!  GLORY!  THANK YOU JESUS!  These are two diseases (lupus and kidney failure) that affects the quality of your life and activities.  But we do have to let them affect our attitudes.  We do what we can and the rest is let go.  Sometimes we have to make heart-breaking decisions.  Do I really feel well enough to attend all these events or should I be selective?  THANK YOU JESUS FOR WISDOM AND DISCERNMENT!  Well I am going on and on.  Will end this thanksgiving with a challenge:  Try him, believe, and #walkthewalk.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


This has been the best VALENTINE'S DAY EVER.  I sat around and watched the TENNIS CHANNEL all day.  I re-twisted my hair and just chilled all day.  I am so thankful that I have husband of 33 years who understands me and know I do not like a fuss made over me on holidays.  Just respected my wish to chill.  Also gave him a chance to chill. ahahahahah  We know each other mentally and spiritually.  We are each others human rock and support.  I thank God for him.  The one thing I loved about him while we date in college (WASHU, ST LOUIS) was he was intellectually stimulating.  He could talk about thing I would bring up.  He is a bright man.  I love that about him.  He was well read.  He was also compassionate and opened the doors for me.  That did it!  Love for life.  He stuck by me when I said I had Lupus attending some of my meetings and reading the literature in depth.  There are some Lupus patients who have mates who do not stick around.  Don't want the headache.  BUT, Irv hung around.  That did it!  Love for life.  I am so thankful for how we can read each others mind and emotions a lot.  Some times we miss, but not often.  I met a lady who has been married for 64 years - MY GOAL!  And more if the Lord allows!  I am thankful his family accepted and welcomed me into their family.  I was a long way from home.  I am so thankful my family accepted him and welcomed him into our family.  We did not have to deal with family drama.  THANK U JESUS!  I am thankful and so grateful for the older couples who guided.  Jesus sends the right people in our way, just in time for a season. AMEN!  I reflect on St. Valentine and his drive to ensure people were married even thought and edict said young soldiers should not marry to be better on the battlefield.  But polygamy was rapid.  St. Valentine encouraged marriages for two people committed to each other.  He was captured and tortured for this belief.  As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's reflect on the sacrament of marriage.  That holy ceremony that participated in to commit ourselves to our spouses through thick and thin.  
Remember when we said (or something similar):   
I _____, take thee _____ to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance;  and therefore I pledge thee myself to you."   
I remember wedding day as if it was yesterday.  Surrounded by family and friends was exciting.  I am so thankful for that day and the people who participated in our joyous occasion.  Well enough down memory lane.  I AM JUST THANKFUL!  THANK YOU LORD!  GLORY!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Haven't written thanksgivings for awhile.  Does that mean I'm not thankful.  Absolutely NO!  Just so busy with my daily duties that I have not just sat down and reminisce about the goodness of God.  But daily, hourly, minute-by-minute I thank while I go about my duties.  Just love to express the press on the inside of my every chance I get.  I love how I think of something that happened that I know was the hand of God!  GLORY!  HALLELULIA!  AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!  I just have to laugh sometimes for the breaks he has given me, for the doors he opened, for the favor on my life, for the times he saved my rear end in times of trouble, etc. etc. etc. etc.  I am so thankful for each day as another chance to get it right!  Another chance to share his LOVE with a total stranger!  Another chance to share his WORD with someone hurting, discouraged, down and out!  I just my life and ALL the experiences I have had.  My spiritual resolve has grown through leaps and bounds.  Just to see the face on someone who has been encouraged through me sharing is priceless.  That light comes on their belief has grown, even if they don't immediately see it.  To know you have been used by God is AWESOME!  And I just love that feeling.  I live to be used by him!!!  Well,  I guess my time of THANKSGIVING through writing is over for now!  More next time!  JMI 2/6/15

Friday, January 23, 2015

I thank God for the communion of saints.  When we dwell together as one in Christ, we strengthen each others resolve.  We encourage each other.  We go get those of us who have strayed and pray them back into the fold.  It is this communion that propels us to share our love for God in three persons.  It is this communion that drives us to come together as the body of Christ to worship his name, praise his glory, and receive the word of God.  I thank God for all the saints he has placed in my path through this life journey.  I remember the funny and serious event as if they have happen on yesterday.  I appreciate the knowledge and growth I have received from being in communion with the other saints.  I look forward to our gathering again in heaven.  I appreciate the events that have happened in accordance with God's will.  I truly appreciate when I have done things outside of his will because I was taught how forgiving God and his Saints are to me in my time of needing forgiveness.  I thank God for Social Media.  I can ask the others saints to touch and agree with me on a prayer request knowing God's will be done.  Amen!  Glory!  I THANK GOD FOR THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I am so thankful for peace of mind.  The ability to know, through my faith, that everything will be alright and work for my benefit.  I can truly say there are things I wish I had not experienced.  But, through reflection I know God was in control.  With experience I have learned to not worry.  The time between prayer request and receipt of the answer is so much more peaceful.  The acceptance of his love and care for me has relieved me of my fears and anxiousness.  The peace of mind I'm experiencing now is all because of truly trusting the Lord with my life!  I would recommend all put their trust in the Lord to experience this level of peace of mind.
AMEN!   GLORY!  ALLELULIA!  I thank god for peace!

Monday, January 19, 2015


I shall not be moved, like a tree that's planted by the water.

I thank God for HOPE!

Jeremiah 29:11 states "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

It is that HOPE that keeps me going, going through, getting over, waiting for the Lord's response before I move, etc.

I read about so many people who just give up because they have lost all hope. They have become so despondent that the only answer (in their minds) is to take their lives. GLORY! HOW CAN THAT BE? How can it be there is no one for them to talk with to provide encouragement.

I thank for HOPE! In all situations I truly say that I believe God for relief, answers, and directions. That has been ingrained in my heart since I was a child. The evidence provided me, throughout my life, has emboldened my faith and belief system. I thank God for being real in my life and giving me the spirit of HOPE!

Monday, January 12, 2015


I am so thankful for the "OUR FATHER, LORD'S PRAYER."  This prayer has taken me further than I believed I could go.  I remember I had a job flying all over the USA to perform environmental tests at utility companies, coal mines, and paper & pulp mills.  I am, still am, will always be, scared of heights.  This job required me to go four hundred feet up a stack and perform tests.  I would have to bring ALL of my equipment to the test site, set up the train, and perform the tests.  I was the only woman in my region and was not about to let these men (22) know I was scared of heights.  I prayed the OUR FATHER all the way up.  I prayed the OUR FATHER all the way down. I prayed the OUR FATHER while I was at the test site.  OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!  To this day, that's my go to prayer for anything:  surgery, illness, work, school, family, etc... 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


You know we really remember those people when we were young who took the time to guide us, correct us, and just all around cheer for our success.  There were people at school, church, YMCA, college, on the job, you name it, who would made sure you stayed on the straight and narrow.  I remember those people as if it was yesterday.  I am so THANKFUL for God putting the right people in each phase of my life.  I CAN imagine where I would be had it not been for those angels.  The picture I imagine is AWFUL!  THANK YOU JESUS for Grace & Mercy!  It is because of them that I try to help and give back as I traverse this life.  AMEN!

Sunday, January 4, 2015




I have so much to THANK GOD FOR that I won't, I can't, I ain't, can't make me COMPLAIN.  God has taught me how to WALK, TALK, RUN, SMILE, LAUGH, CRY, SMILE, WORSHIP, PRAISE, DANCE, all while in the midst of adversity.  SAINTS I CAN'T tell it all.  GOD HAS BEEN SO GOOD TO ME!  GLORY!  THANK YOU JESUS!  PRAISE HIM! Praise him in the morning, noon time, and when the sun goes down.  You all don't have enough time to hear my story.  IT IS LONG AND GLORIOUS!  Time after time he has made a way for me.  Opened does I could not see.  Knocked down ceilings above me.  He love is too EVERLASTING!  I just can't tell it all.  When I tell you that it will be alright, believe me.  STAND.  DO NOT MOVE.  IT WILL ALL WORK OUT FOR YOUR GLORY.  Just believe and stand on the word of God, no matter what it looks, feel, or sound like.  I WON'T COMPLAIN. 

Rev Rance Allen I Wont Complain mp4 - YouTube

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I am so thankful for CARE GIVERS!  It is sometimes a thankless position.  Some see it as a requirement only for that person to do (without any offers of help or support from family or friends) with no regard for their mental or physical health.  But by the Grace of God they do their jobs with diligence and dedication.  I pray for them daily!  I am so thankful for my family, especially my husband.  Challenge to each you:  If you know a care giver, offer to sit with the patient giving them a little time to themselves!
GOT A REALITY CHECK:  Check out these Selected Care Statistics on this website -
Gotta love them!