Sunday, December 25, 2016


Take time to think.....Christmas is celebrated in honor of a loving God who chose to send his son to a world swamped in sin.  Jesus came t take all that sin on himself and save a people who without would just die because of their wick ways.  Then he dies upon a cross forgiving all of our sins.  But he had to go back home and prepare a place for us.  He sent the HOLY SPIRIT to comfort us in our times of need.  Is that not a great sacrifice.  We have to live us to his expectations of us as a people.  All are invited!  No matter what you are wearing, no matter how deep you are in sin, no matter whether you think you have gone too far - no such think exist, COME AS YOU ARE!!!   I am ever thankful that no matter how low I get, the Holy Spirit will comfort me and bring me back up!  I am ever thankful how deep I get in a bad situation the HOLY SPIRIT will comfort me and bring me back to my senses to come on out.  I ever thankful no matter how improbable my finances get, the HOLY SPIRIT gives me the strength to endure and last.  I am ever grateful for the friends, known and unknown, that the Lord surrounds me with to give me strength!  I am ever grateful for my family and their enduring love and strength!  GLORY! ALLELULIA!


Sunday, December 18, 2016



I thank my almighty God for his blessings.  I am now going through an allergic reaction to an antibiotic.  I thought my was throat was closing. But God stopped the selling of my throat.  BUT, the devil saw fit to swell my lips, starting on Wednesday.  I took the stupid antibiotic for sinusitis.  I get sinusitis every other month, UGH!!!!   BUT, God is keeping me day by day!  

When we go through things with faith and conviction, we are not startled.  We just plow on through because we are victorious in the HOLY SPIRIT.  I tell you Saints I have gone through a lot.  But I thank the HOLY SPIRIT for comfort and victory in each and every situation.   THANK YOU JESUS!  I fully believe we have the POWER in us to direct our thoughts to positive places so that we can cope and not cope but be VICTORIOUS!  

I am trying each and every day to let my walk be an encouragement to someone.  If I only reach 1 per day, I still run on in GRAND victory.  I walk in a faith that no weapon that can be prosperous against me.  I stand in the assurance the whatever comes up against me I WILL WIN!  I always say "THIS TOO SHALL PASS".  

I am in the midst of writing my dissertation.  Please pray for me, saints.  I suffered many writers' block due to the disturbances of my memory by the Lupus AND by the dialysis, I do five times a week.  I have wanted to quit on many occasions.  BUT, I push on saints.  So, you may ask why are you still taking classes.  Tutoring is my passion I want to be the best tutor I can be.  I want to do a study the use of CULTURALLY RELEVANT TUTORING to enhance the academic success of minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged students!!!  Culturally relevant pedagogy and culturally responsive teaching have been proven to be successful in the classrooms of minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged students!!! BUT, we have resistance by states, districts, teachers, etc.  The teachers say the state mandates levy so much on them, they do not have time to adjust.  BUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS NOT WORKING!  This just shows those teachers are not innovators and must be transferred to OTHER classrooms.  The traditional European system is not working for our minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged students!!!  I actually encourage myself, as the song says.  I indulge myself in gospel music to wash me in the blood of Jesus.  I love that son THE GOD IN ME!  THANK YOU JESUS!  That word explains my successes in life.  Jesus has brought me a mighty long way!!!  I thank him with all my heart, body, soul and being.  He has picked me up on many occasions.  I love another song my nieces and nephew (JAMEKA KYLE, ANDREA JACKSON, & JERMAINE MITCHEL)  would sing in church:  I AM HIS CHILD.  That song says "I may not be the best at anything or have the best of everything, but I am happy to his child."  Saints, that is me.  THANK YOU JESUS!  ALLELUIA!  GLORRRRRRRRRRAY!   THANKS TO MALCOLM SPEED FOR PINNING THOSE ANOINTED WORDS.

ALL FOR NOW.  So much to say!