Friday, January 17, 2014

Retirement Party Invitation

I'm going home after 28 years, 4 months.
More time for my grand-babies and of course, REST!
I like dialyzing earlier and not rushing 1 hour to work and 1 hour back!
Can now make sure hubby goes to doctors' visits!  Hahahaaha.  Ahahahahaha
My body says its time, and I'm ready!

Hope to see you all, if you can make it!

Army Civil Servant

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Just thankful for another year! Thinking if I was in heaven, not ready to go now, God and I would be joking about all the stupid stuff he has gotten me out of. Man there were some duzzies. Wow! I'm still hear! He would ask me what was I thinking. And I would reply that I wasn't. Let emotions take over. But through it all he still loved me and protected me. A little more girded up, I am ready for 2014!


As a country we must get on top of this epidemic!