Saturday, February 14, 2015


This has been the best VALENTINE'S DAY EVER.  I sat around and watched the TENNIS CHANNEL all day.  I re-twisted my hair and just chilled all day.  I am so thankful that I have husband of 33 years who understands me and know I do not like a fuss made over me on holidays.  Just respected my wish to chill.  Also gave him a chance to chill. ahahahahah  We know each other mentally and spiritually.  We are each others human rock and support.  I thank God for him.  The one thing I loved about him while we date in college (WASHU, ST LOUIS) was he was intellectually stimulating.  He could talk about thing I would bring up.  He is a bright man.  I love that about him.  He was well read.  He was also compassionate and opened the doors for me.  That did it!  Love for life.  He stuck by me when I said I had Lupus attending some of my meetings and reading the literature in depth.  There are some Lupus patients who have mates who do not stick around.  Don't want the headache.  BUT, Irv hung around.  That did it!  Love for life.  I am so thankful for how we can read each others mind and emotions a lot.  Some times we miss, but not often.  I met a lady who has been married for 64 years - MY GOAL!  And more if the Lord allows!  I am thankful his family accepted and welcomed me into their family.  I was a long way from home.  I am so thankful my family accepted him and welcomed him into our family.  We did not have to deal with family drama.  THANK U JESUS!  I am thankful and so grateful for the older couples who guided.  Jesus sends the right people in our way, just in time for a season. AMEN!  I reflect on St. Valentine and his drive to ensure people were married even thought and edict said young soldiers should not marry to be better on the battlefield.  But polygamy was rapid.  St. Valentine encouraged marriages for two people committed to each other.  He was captured and tortured for this belief.  As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's reflect on the sacrament of marriage.  That holy ceremony that participated in to commit ourselves to our spouses through thick and thin.  
Remember when we said (or something similar):   
I _____, take thee _____ to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance;  and therefore I pledge thee myself to you."   
I remember wedding day as if it was yesterday.  Surrounded by family and friends was exciting.  I am so thankful for that day and the people who participated in our joyous occasion.  Well enough down memory lane.  I AM JUST THANKFUL!  THANK YOU LORD!  GLORY!

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