THANK YOU JESUS! So many things have been going on with my family the past 4 months . STAYING PRAYED UP IS WHAT HAS GOTTEN US THROUGH!
December - Burried our mom! Janie Mitchell Redmon She suffered so much with mouth cancer. Never smoked a day in her life. This was the second time she had mouth cancer, 9 years later.
January - My daughter-in-love Breana Elise Isbelland I have suffered with our sinuses.
February - Another trip to Vanderbilt for evaluations- stress test, heart CT, abdomen CT, lots of blood work, etc. An all day ordeal. My husband's, Irvin Isbell, health continued to fail, but more rapidly AND HE is my care giver. Irv dializes me 5 nights each week. I am so glad that he is an RN. He knows all the questions to ask since I am routinely in a Lupus & Dialysis BRAIN FOG! My Lupie & Dialysis friends understand.
March - My daughter-in-love spends three + weeks in two hospitals in two different states with her baby boy while missing her other kids dearly. Irv has to file for disability with the SSA. I found out I have to have surgery (4/3/18) on my sinuses because the infection can go to my brain and or my optical nerves. Monday, I have to go to Vanderbilt for a heart catherization. After not wanting to confront the idea I will need a transplan, I started a go fund me page to cover the exhort costs. I was told to start fundraising in 2012. UGH! I will reach out to friend to also help with fundraising events, SWALLOWING MY PRIDE. My cousin, Melvin Hunter, is in hospice! My brother, Julius J. Mitchell Jr., is in the hospital. My sister-in-love, JoAnn Mitchell, is holding things done in DALLAS, TX. My sisters (Jeanette Mitchell Lamb BEAUMONT, TX, and Julie Mitchell Jackson Hursey) IOWA, LA are confronting healt issues, ALSO!
I know God is protecting us! Jesus is interceding on our behalf! The Holy Spirit is comforting us! —

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