Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Top Rated Edutopia Resources: Week Ending June 10, 2011

By Betty Ray  6/10/11 Found theses sites to be interesting.

As the year starts to wind to a close, here are Edutopia's most highly rated resources for this week. Note that our resources can be rated along three parameters:
  • PRACTICAL Practical materials are ones that you can use to improve your classroom or school right now. These include lesson ideas, tips and strategies for implemeting a new practice, or anything else that is useful RIGHT NOW (as opposed to something that may take 10 months and several committee meetings to implement).
  • INNOVATIVE These are materials that inspire you with their cutting-edge ideas. Not necessarily something you can implement right away, but if they're Practical too, then you can certainly rate them with both.
  • PERSUASIVE Persuasive resources are those that make the case for a particular practice or idea. Maybe they helped to change your mind. Or maybe they could change someone else's mind. You could use these materials to persuade your school board, for instance, or your principal to adopt a new approach.

We'll surface the most Practical, Innovative and Persuasive resources on the site, via social media and in our newsletter. So please rate as you read! The feature was released recently, so the numbers are still a little low. Please rate anything that moves you; this is only useful if you share your opinions! :)


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